/ Works
// Artistic Research
/// Teaching
//// Bio
GAN CHIMERA (2021-2023)
Poor AI (2021)
Planned Deep Time (2021 - ongoing)
Ablagerungen (PhD in progress)
Abstract History Machine
DISsCERN (Concept)
Four Particles Lost
unnamed soundsculpture
Durchsehen Exp. 01
Spatial Soundsculpture
PhD (Bauhaus University Weimar)
On Technical Objects
An Iphones DNA
Teaching (2015 - ongoing)
Leuphana - From GOFAI to ML
Artistic Research (2015 - ongoing)
UdK - New Digital Literacy
UdK - MetaDating SS2020 + WS2020
HfG - Code to Material 2017 - 2018
UdK - On Projection SS2015
Four Particles Lost (2015)
Simulation of a high-viscous Fluid, Installation, 2015
How do we receive knowledge about the world that surrounds us?
The omnipresent answer right now is simulation – from the biggest big bang simulating machine at CERN, to the Facebook emotion studies* and the numerous predictions of climate change. We love models – these synthetic worlds, which apparently give us all the answers and that, even before things happen. But what is with art? By questioning computer simulation, the work explores the idea of a synthetic artwork as a whole – what are the implications of simulation as a medium and as a tool for the artist? Is the common practice in science, technology and even – following Manuel De Landa’s materialist approach – in Philosophy applicable for art? And do we need a physical artwork at all in the age of ubiquitous mediated “Techno”-images – poor in quality but with hundreds of likes?
*”Researchers have roundly condemned Facebook’s experiment in which it manipulated nearly 700,000 users’ news feeds to see whether it would affect their emotions, saying it breaches ethical guidelines for “informed consent”.”–Charles Arthur–Facebook emotion study breached ethical guidelines, researchers say. theguardian.com, 30/06/2014.